A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Coral Springs Improvement District was held on Monday, April 15, 2013 at 4:04 p.m. at the District Office, 10300 NW 11th Manor, Coral Springs, Florida. 


            Present and constituting a quorum were:


            Martin Shank                                                  President

            Theodore Mena                                               Vice President

            Duane Holland                                                Secretary


            Also present were:


            Kenneth Cassel                                               District Manager

            Andrew Bauman                                             District Counsel

            Dan Daly                                                         Director of Operations

            Kay Woodward                                              District Accountant

            Troy Lyn                                                         District Engineer

            Jan Zilmer                                                       Human Resources      

            Ed Stover                                                        Water Department

            Joe Stevens                                                     Water Department

            David McIntosh                                              Wastewater Department

            Randy Frederick                                             Drainage

            Shawn Frankenhauser                                     Drainage

            George Miller                                                  Severn Trent Services

            Dave Robertson                                              Globaltech, Inc

            John McKune                                                  District Consultant

            Mark Gulyas                                                   LMK Piping


            The following is a summary of the minutes and actions taken during the April 15, 2013 CSID Board of Supervisors Meeting.                                      


FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Roll Call

            Mr. Cassel called the meeting to order and called the roll.


SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS                        Approval of the Minutes of the March 18, 2013 Meeting

            Mr. Shank stated each Board member received a copy of the minutes of the February 18, 2013 meeting and requested any corrections, additions or deletions.

            There not being any,


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the minutes of the March 18, 2013 meeting were approved. 


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS                            Audience Comments

            There not being any, the next item followed. 


FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                        Consideration of Debris Removal Contract Extension

             The following was discussed:

·         The District piggybacked off of SWCD contracts for monitoring and debris removal. 

·         The Contract with Phillips and Jordan, Inc for disaster debris removal services needs to be extended.

·         The base contract will expire in 2014 and the District will have to review options of going out for bids with another district or piggybacking off of someone who went through the RFP process.


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the contract extension with Phillips and Jordan, Inc. for disaster debris removal services was approved.


FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Consideration of Engagement Letter with Keefe, McCullough and Co. LLP for Fiscal Year 2013 Audit

            Ms. Woodward reviewed the engagement letter, which includes a $1,400 fee reduction.  Mr. Daly noted the reduction is possible due to Ms. Woodward's efforts in streamlining the auditing process.


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Shank with all in favor the engagement letter with Keefe, McCullough and Co. LLP to perform the financial audit for Fiscal Year 2013 at an amount not to exceed $18,000 was approved.










SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Distribution of the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2014 and Consideration of Resolution 2013-1 Approving the Budget and Setting the Public Hearing


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the floor was open to discussion of the proposed general fund budget for Fiscal Year 2014.


            Ms. Woodward reviewed the proposed general fund budget for fiscal year 2014.

·         The budget was prepared under the assumption the District will maintain assessments at $176.79 per unit. 

·         A separate handout was distributed showing projected assessment levels with two options to reduce assessments.  The general fund budget will have to be reduced by $117,366 to reduce assessments to $166.79 per unit or by $234,732 to reduce assessments to $156.79 per unit.


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor Resolution 2013-1, approving the proposed general fund budget for Fiscal Year 2014 with a decrease in assessments to $166.79 per unit and setting the public hearing for June 17, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. at the District Offices, was adopted.


SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                      Staff Reports

A.                Manager – Ken Cassel

·         Utility Billing Work Orders

            This item is for informational purposes.


·         CH2M Hill Update

            Becker & Poliakoff were engaged to provide consultation services for negotiations with CH2M Hill.  A copy of the retainer agreement was provided to the Board for ratification.


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the retainer agreement with Becker & Poliakoff was ratified.



            Mr. Cassel also reported the following:

Ø  There was an informative conference call with the NNC Task Force this morning.  Contact information was previously emailed to the Board to express support for SB 1808 and HB 7115.  The proposed bills are favorable to the District because they provide DEP and the State with better control of water quality parameters.  The next conference call is scheduled for April 29, 2013. 

Ø  Mr. Shank asked for an update on the Special District Bill.  Mr. Kaufman reported the bill did not pass. 


            B.        Engineer – Troy Lyn

·         Well #10 Update

            The following was discussed:

Ø  Mr. Lyn and Mr. Robertson showed a video of Well #10 under pumping conditions with a higher flow rate than the first time it was tested. 

Ø  The well is damaged.  Gravel is getting in and patching is not recommended.  The well needs to be replaced. 

Ø  The worst case scenario cost estimate is $103,521.60 using stainless steel casing.  It will be approximately $20,000 less if PVC casing can be used. 


On MOTION Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Shank with all in favor additional expenses for top end replacement of well #10 associated with Work Authorization 76.1 at an amount not to exceed $94,533.60 were approved. 


Ø  Mr. Cassel stated the pumps for Well #5 and Well #10 will be purchased directly by the District.  They are estimated to cost approximately $15,000 to $20,000 each and approval will be requested from the Board.

Ø  The Board was provided with free standing degasifier exhaust stack plans.  The plans were submitted to the Health Department and will take approximately 30 days to be reviewed.

Ø  The ammonium sulfate project is substantially complete.   The last inspection was today and they are waiting for the Building Department to provide a Certificate of Occupancy.  The Health Department is taking 30 days on all reviews.

Ø  The level gate for the wastewater plant is expected to be in next week.  It will be installed by the end of April and/or beginning of May.

Ø  Mr. Gulyas provided an update on the lining project.  The project is 98% complete and is expected to be completed within the next two weeks.

Ø  Mr. Daly provided an electric cost comparison on Lift Station #1 from March 2010 through March 2013.     


            C.        Department Reports

·         Water – Ed Stover

            The following was discussed:

Ø  The Board was provided with before and after pictures of acid skids at the RO Plant.

Ø  The Board questioned the update on sand strainers.  It was determined three trains cannot run through two strainers.  More information will be provided prior to the meeting with CH2M Hill.

Ø  An overview of Nano Plant testing was provided to the Board.  Two trains were able to run for an extensive period of time.  All the wells needed to run, except for Well #5 and Well #10.  All three sand strainers and cartridge filters needed to run as well. 

Ø  Mr. Shank requested a sample of RO water be compared with Dasani bottled water.


·         Sewer – David McIntosh

            Mr. McIntosh reviewed his report, a copy of which was included in the agenda package.


·         Stormwater – Randy Frederick

Mr. Frederick reviewed his report, a copy of which was included in the agenda package. 

Ø  A sidewalk was damaged during the culvert cleaning project and needs to be repaired.  Waste Management is taking responsibility for the damaged sidewalk.  Two dumpsters are awaiting pickup.

Ø  Mr. Daly provided an update on SFWMD’s new notification system. 


·         Field – Steve Seigfried

There being nothing further to report, the next item followed. 


·         Human Resources – Jan Zilmer

            Mr. Zilmer reported several department heads took a two-day communication seminar.  CSID was complimented on its low employee turnover. 




C.        Attorney – Bill Capko

            Mr. Bauman distributed and reviewed a memorandum on a canal bank erosion policy for the District, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of the public record. 

Ø  District staff will work on a process and District counsel will work on a formal policy. 

Ø  Mr. Mena requested a list of the most problematic areas.  He will have the Coral Springs Code Rangers check if the properties on the list are in compliance with City permits.

Mr. Bauman will provide more details on SB 1808 and HB 7115 and how they will impact the District. 


EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                         Approval of Financial Statements for March 2013

            There being no questions or comments,  


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the financials were approved.


            Ms. Woodward provided a spreadsheet with projected annual cash flows and she proposed transferring $6 Million from Wells Fargo to Bank United, which will yield a net increase of $24,300.


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Mena with all in favor the Board authorized Ms. Woodward to transfer $6 Million out of Wells Fargo and deposit the funds into higher yielding options. 


NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                            Supervisors’ Request

Mr. Shank commented on press releases for the District.












TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                           Adjournment

            There being no further business,


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the meeting was adjourned. 





Kenneth Cassel                                               Martin Shank

Assistant Secretary                                         President